5 Things to Do Every Morning for a Productive Day

Stop reaching out for your phone as soon as you wake up, looking at your phone for an hour isn’t going to make you more productive! Instead dedicate an hour on activities that help you focus better and boost your spirits.

Here are 5 things to do every morning for a productive day:

1. Drink Water (even before you brush your teeth)

Yes, you heard me right, studies have shown that drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up can help to rehydrate your body and release all the bad toxins for a healthy skin! We all love healthy glowing skin, so don’t forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

2. Light Exercise

Think that exercising in the morning will make you more tired? You are wrong! A quick and light morning exercise is the right way to jumpstart your day because it gets your metabolism going and increases blood flow in your brain - more clarity, better focus at work! However, if jogging isn't something you do, we would recommend you to try yoga or Pilates which is very popular.

3. Breakfast

Breakfast is the most troublesome meal and we exchange it for an extra 30 minutes of snooze. But believe it or not, breakfast is still the most important meal of the day because it helps you to kick start your metabolism for the day. Even if you’re too tired and too lazy, just grab a cup of yoghurt and banana for breakfast on your way out the door.

4. Think Positive

Start your day with positive thoughts in mind and a smile on your face. You could read your favourite quote, greet Good Morning to people around you and do things that cheer you up!

5. Get Dressed

Hop into the shower, make yourself feel fresh and get dressed because how you look affects how you feel. We want you to feel good about yourself and be comfortable. Can't figure out what accessories go with your outfit? With NATbyJ, you will have a wide selection of watches to choose from, from sophisticated to minimalist designs that will suit every mood and occasion.

Even if you’re wearing work or school uniform everyday, and not allowed to wear jewelry, you will still need to put in something extra special to boost your confidence. These watches add a layer of sweetness, are super comfortable because of the smooth genuine leather strap and it is definitely uniform approved!

By NATbyJ - www.natbyj.com

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